Te Ao maori - Auroa


Our curriculum caters for Maori in a number of ways. Our focus is primarily the child, and what strengths they have, as well as areas of development. Students have the opportunity to bring their own experiences into the classroom through various activities such as language activities, Kapa Haka, sports, and through individual projects during our STEAM times.

Our curriculum is based around knowing the needs of each individual, and through our flipped content we enable students to access learning at any point of the day. This also ensures students who may find it difficult to keep up with work have the support needed to help them learn at their own pace, in a non-judgemental environment.

Students are immersed in Te Reo through teachers using simple commands during class time, and each students learns their pepeha when they first attend Auroa. This pepeha increases in complexity as students progress through to the senior school.

Kapa Haka

We have two Kapa Haka groups at Auroa, both who meet weekly for the entire year. Our junior (Y2-4) learn small games, waiata, tereo, and tikanga to help support their transition into our senior Kapa group, who focus on tikanga and competing in local waiata competitions.

Whanau Groups

Each child at Auroa is part of a Whanau Group. These are assigned when your child starts school, and are based on local historical Maori figures. Which Whanau group your child is in depends on siblings, relatives, and while we also take into account numbers in each group, we can also accommodate any personal links children have to particular figures.





School Waiata

E nga paaruarua o te ao māori e           

Anei te kura o Auroa e(x2)

Nga mihi atu rekureku e                                 

Ki a koutou(hi) katoa e

Poororaa tatou ki te taumata                                      

Hei oranga mo nga iwi e

E nga paaruarua o te ao maori e

Anei te kura o Auroa e(X2)


School Waiata

Hi to the world,

Here we are, Auroa Primary School

Welcome to everyone

We are climbing the ladder of academicvachievement

For the well being of our community

To the world,

Here we are Auroa Primary School