Learning at Auroa School
Educate to Empower
Te Mana Akoranga
Stand tall. Be the example.
At Auroa we provide opportunity for students to be empowered by the choices they make in their learning. We encourage all our students to be leaders and role models in our school and beyond through various activities we provide.
We aim to provide a variety of contexts where our students can connect learning in our school with our community. Market days, school concerts, and events such as the Drive in Movie Night help put our learning on display, and provide a meaningful and purposeful context for student work.
As part of our DPE program, students put their learning to the test when designing and creating a meal for their whanau. Their food needs to be quality!!!
We are always looking for meaningful contexts for students to work towards. School market days not only a creative idea, planning, and construction, but also includes financial literacy skills.
From multiple 3d printers and latex printers, to laser cutters, green screen, a kitchen and more…Our strategic aim is to provide our students with experiences and resources that they will often not have opportunity to access at home. This not only provides opportunity for our ākonga to gain relevant skills for the growing expectations of innovation in society, but also fosters equity between all ethnicities and genders in our school - ensuring all our students have rich learning experiences regardless of ethnicity and/or gender.
Our Step-Master is an example of one of the long-term projects students have built. We select students who would benefit from hands-on learning, and they design and build a major project using the resources we have at school. In this project, not only did students build and wire the board, but they also created the music videos and coded the dance moves.
Think Freely
Innovation encompasses the free thinkers, the students who have a concept in their head and they work towards making it a reality. The ability to see creative solutions to various problems, and to be innovative in design and thinking is becoming more important for individuals entering the work-force, and we are conscious of providing a variety of contexts where students can exercise these skills.
Value Yourself
Value Others
Value Your Environment
"A cornerstone of our program is fostering empathy in our students, encouraging them to consider the perspectives of others when making decisions. This mindset significantly influences how they interact with one another and how they show respect towards resources and environments, ensuring they leave them enjoyable for everyone. By cultivating the habit of making thoughtful choices and striving for their personal best, students develop a strong sense of self-efficacy, empowering them to grow and succeed."
Students have the opportunity to engage with other children of all ages and personalities during a range of group activities. This helps them learn to negotiation, collaborate, and work together across a variety of contexts.
See it, do it, get it done
Make good choices
Our school pedagogy encourages risk-taking and students taking initiative. While the teacher is available for support, students are encouraged to try new ideas, see if it works, and make adjustments when necessary. Students taking initiative is all about them making good choices based on the information provided to them, from making decisions about projects they are working on to making choices that encourage others to follow and learn from.

Education at Auroa begins with the students in the centre. From budget and strategic planning, to assessment practices, we look to provide opportunities and high expectations for each student to ensure they achieve their best.
Along with individualised learning pathways created through our unique flipped learning pedagogy, we analyse data based on gender and ethnicity, and also identify those students not improving their scores and knowledge. These students are then individually followed up on by the staff so a strategy can be put in place that is designed around their own needs. This way we can create programs that focus on all our students improving, regardless of year and ability.
Data is analysed by gender and ethnicity, and also broken down to individual trends that can be used to identify how students are progressing over time.
One of our key strategic goals is to provide our ākonga with experiences that they may not have opportunity to receive at home, while using those experiences to give them practical skills that they can take with them when they leave Auroa. This is particularly evident with specific purchases such as our laser cutter, 3d printers, latex printer, robotics, and various other sporting and educational resources. By ensuring all our students have access to amazing resources, we are able to ensure all students who attend Auroa have access have access to rich and powerful learning experiences, regardless of their environments outside of school.
Through strategic planning we purchase resources that ensure all our students have rich and powerful learning experiences in their childhood. The skills students learn, from 3d design and animation to CAD design to practical art and building skills, are skills that students can take with them from primary school into adulthood.