Thank you for considering Auroa School as the school for you and your family. This page is set up to help you through the enrolment process. All of the forms that are attached to this page are all of the documents that we require from you if you are wanting to send your child to our school.
I love taking the time to meet new families to our school. If you are considering our school, then just call the school office on 06 2745629 and make an appointment. I am more than happy to meet with parents of children who have just turned 4 and walk them around the school. As you will read below, it is important that parents with pre school children let us know they are in our community. That last year at home will fly by!
Auroa is part of the cohort enrolment program, which means that it is unlikely your child will start on their 5th birthday. To make transitions easier for our students, we do two intakes of five year olds each term. One group of five year olds will have their first day at the beginning of the term, and the second group will start in the middle of the term.
It is crucial that you let the school know that you have a pre school child. Due to our enrolment scheme we like to know well in advance what children are going to come to our school as far out as 18 months. We also run the “Little Piri” programme for 4 year old children. If you do have a child that is 4 years old they maybe eligible to attend this programme.
On enrolment of 5 year old children we do require a copy of their birth certificate, plunket book and all of the forms to be filled in.
All these children are required to bring on enrolment is all of the school forms on this page and their plunket book to let the school know if your child has been immunised or not. If you are moving on the 1st of June, feel free to come and visit the school with your child before the changeover.